Thursday, October 14, 2010

Assignment 3 Photo Manipulation Assignment-

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This is a picture that was taken this summer  in Mexico. I went on an adventure tour to the Mayan Village and we went into a sacred cave.This cave was filled with fresh rain water and I got the opportunity to jump into the cave. I have always been afraid of height and especially jumping into water. This Picture makes me feel very proud of myself because this is something that I never thought i could do. That is why i decided to add the caption "take a chance and never look back." That is exactly how i was feeling at that moment. I had to take a chance and don't hold back because of your fears. I also decided to edit the picture to blur out the people on the right hand side. I did this because the main focus of this photograph was me jumping into the cave and getting over my fears. I wanted the center of attention to be myself and not the other 
people waiting to jump in. 

 This is a photograph of my beautiful nephew! i choose this picture because my nephew is my world and he means everything to me. I wanted to choose a picture where i can really make him the focus and this was the perfect picture. He is sitting on a chair and laughing. I make everything else in the photograph black and white, except for his clothes. this draws the viewer directly to him. I also blurred out everything else in the picture. He is the only thing that is in clear focus. I feel by making those two changes, I completely changed the focus. I made sure that 100% of the viewers attention would go to my nephew and they would not need to look at anything else in the picture. 

This is a Photograph that I took of a flower. I love taking pictures of nature and especially flowers. I usually dont like to alter photographs of nature because i feel that they are so beautiful in their own nature. However in this photograph i decided to make everything black and white except for the pedals on the flower. They were such a amazing colour, By making everything else black and white, it really makes the colour stand out. I also blurred the edges to make the flower stand out even more!